
The coronavirus and the positive side. Part 2

I did not know I would go on with this series, but here I am, writing about the obvious positive side of the coronavirus. Again.

Last week, I talked about taking care of oneself, being nice and do something good. Being nice to yourself. And about cleaning up your life. This is where I would like to dive a little deeper this week. 

If I say cleaning out your life, what do I mean by that? Well, let’s start with the obvious: as we are inside anyways, why not taking the chance to remove things we did not use for too long? Sorting out clothes, old electronics, magazines… things that accumulated over time, but that are just there to occupy space. Let’s get rid of them. I don’t mean to trough them away, but why not put them together in a box, and after we are good to go out again, bring them to some social services to be spread out to people in need? At your place, they are lost energy, somewhere else, they could be love energy. 

Speaking of love… in these times, you have the chance to find out, who your real friends are. Who did call you to ask if you are ok? Who did care about you? And whom did you call? Did you care? How much love is in your life, and how much love do you have to give? 

Are you giving it to the right people? Are you allowing people to give it to you, are you ready to receive? Are you giving back? Are you appreciating the ones that give love to you, or are you chasing the ones who don’t? Are you ready for love?

See, every one of us sometimes has people in their lives, that – when they are calling – one is unsure if to pick up the phone because you know that after the call, you somehow will feel drained. That simply means that they need more of you than you are able to give. If this happens occasionally, then it’s probably not a problem. Everybody has a bad day once in a while and it’s ok to be needy then. But if it happens almost every time you speak, the possibility is high you are dealing with an energy vampire. These people are basically living and feeding themselves with our energy. They don’t mean bad, they are not mean people. They just never learned to be self-responsible and take care about their energy themselves, so they are in need of someone filling them up. Cleaning out your messes also means – cleaning out people, if they are not good for you. That does not mean that they are of any use (that would make you the energy vampire) – that simply means – life is giving and talking. On both sides. There has to be a balance. 

Let’s start to take responsibility for our love balance. Let’s start to say no to energy abuse and start to appreciate more what is given to us for free, the love we do not have to chase. Let’s start to really value these people. You do not need to marry them, nor go out with them. But value the act of freely giving towards you, as it is precious and priceless to have. 

If you need some help, want to talk? Book a free call:

Lots of love. I hope you can appreciate! 

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