The coronavirus and the positive side – Part 5
Last week I have been talking about the feeling of discomfort, this week, I would like to take one aspect of the discomfort that I like to call – Mindfreak. The “I am doing this later.” thing. Did you ever say this? Or did you say it to your partner? And in fact, you never did it.
Well, this can be a sign of laziness, but in fact, I think just rating it this way is too easy, so let’s take a little bit of a deeper look.
Why wouldn’t you do the thing right away if you knew you have to do it anyway? This is caused by our brain. Our brain, which has one main objective: to keep us safe. So now you might say – was is unsafe if I am asked to throw out the trash? Well, good question. I don’t know. Do you?
So most of the time, the mind is not protecting us from something obvious, from something that is visible at first sight. Because if it would, we would get it fixed. Most of the time, it protects us from things that are unconscious sleeping within us. Let’s step out of the relationship, and take it to read a book about something you always wanted to learn because you thought that it would give you an advantage in an important area of your life. Maybe your job, maybe your relationship, maybe something else. But, this book sits there on your bookshelf, and whenever you think tomorrow is a good day, something happens that keeps you from reading that book. And you keep thinking – well, that’s ok. It is still fine the way it is.
And here we are. This is the way our mind protects us from growth, from stepping out of our comfort zone into the unknown, into insecurity, into the possibility of failure. Because what if you would read that book and get the promotion, and then you fail? What if you would give it all for this one relationship, open up your heart and then, you end up heartbroken? What if… And without even telling you, your mind keeps you in your comfort zone, away from growth and using your full potential. And you still think it’s ok. But deep inside sometimes you hear that little voice asking: what if…it’s not? What if what’s waiting behind your comfort zone is the real you, unlimited happiness and true love?
So do you really want to be that frog that sits in that slowly heating up water without realizing you are soon going to die? Because this is what most certainly will happen: if you don’t change it, you probably will die with it, thinking you are perfectly fine and comfortable, deep inside knowing you’re not. And to be honest – like everything: the longer you wait to face it, the scarier it gets.
This is ok? Well fine, then keep going. But if you now think that there could be something better out there for you then where you are currently at, start stepping out of your comfort zone. One step at a time. It’s less scary, you will see. But get that sh* done. Your time is NOW.
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Lots of love,