How your illness can serve you to attain a happy life
I have been talking to many people dealing with illness lately, and most of them have one thing in common: they fight the illness. Whether they are afraid of the aftereffects, or they are just focusing on all the negativity this situation brings in the very moment. Yes, the consequences of an illness can be scary. And also, the situation of dealing with a body that doesn’t function in the way we want it to, an immune system that is striking, is exhausting. I understand this very well. I have been dealing with this situation more than once in my life, and I am dealing with it right now, so probably it is a great time to write this article.
One thing before I start: When it comes to diseases, I am perfectly human and especially when I was younger, I have been going through all these sensations of being mad, impatient, scared. I deeply understand them. There was a time in my life when I had hard times to even get up in the morning, or at any time of the day, because I have fallen into a deep depression, and I simply wasn’t able to see a reason to get up.
Right now, as I told you initially, I am recovering from another serious disease, and besides the fact that I became ill in a very bad moment, the recovery is taking very, very long. The effects simply refuse to disappear. The tiredness, the exhaustion, the sweating, the sleeplessness, headaches… and I tend to find new things that may be side effects, caused by the massive amount of the injected medicine. Working is difficult, as my hearing is affected, and focusing too long on the screen leads to another set of headaches.
And if this wasn’t unfortunate enough, let me mention that all started in India. Very slowly, increasing every day just a little bit. I thought I was gonna be able get over it using natural remedies. But instead of improving, it got worse until the day when the immune system finally collapsed. So instead of being part of a seminar, I was given a chance to learn about Indian hospitals. In fact, there are some reasons to be angry, disappointed, or even scared. But, or maybe just because I wasn’t able to bring up the energy to fight the disease, I surrendered. And I started to ask myself questions. Instead of allowing negativity to take over, which I knew would not help because
1. I wasn’t able to change the situation and
2. My body needed positive energy to heal
I took some deep breaths and tried to look at what I got instead. At first, it was difficult to find anything positive in this situation, so I just allowed the situation to be as it is, without trying to change it. And I think only the pure acceptance enabled me to see the gifts that I can take from the situation, no matter how unfortunate it might seem. I learned that being at peace with what is will automatically open me up to receive the gifts of the situation. In my case, it was the gift of not fighting, it was the gift of acceptance. And by accepting one thing, I was proving to myself once again that I can accept everything, just the way it is.
Instead of being annoyed by the never-ending symptoms that appear, I received the gift of being gentle with myself, of loving myself a little more. Not forcing anything, allowing healing to happen. Not only allowing, but supporting healing; by deeply understanding that my human body is magic: it can recover itself from diseases, antibiotics, medicine, all it needs is little patience and love.
The last gift I received because of being handicapped in connecting with people is the gift of looking inside instead of going outward. I was forced to take the time to listen to all my needs and take care of them. Healing what is still troubled, supporting what wants to grow. Putting the focus inside allows me to understand the importance of slowness. It allows me to feel where I still hold on to what does not support me, and to let go. And it allows me to create a basis for an amazing future, a beautiful life full of love, happiness and abundance.
In life, there is always an opportunity to learn. Nothing happens without a reason in this beautiful universe, and looking back, this disease has given me a lot. There is no point in fighting what is. But there is a point in trying to make the best of what is.
And by sharing this experience with you, I want to encourage you, if you are currently suffering from some disease or handicap, to go beyond the negativity and see what your illness can do for you. And you will be amazed to discover all these miracles that can provide you a happier life.
Want to know more about happiness? Read more on how overcoming your fears can impact your life and relationships by clicking here.