It’s all about love – but the love for yourself
I remember myself when I was looking to find the love of my life – always on the run, always on the hope. Not admitting that I was searching, secretly unhappy, and desperate about finding him, the perfect partner, the one and only.
What I forgot about was myself. I was so much hoping for love coming towards me, that I completely forgot about the most important thing: loving myself. Yes, I heard it over and over – you have to love yourself first to be able to love others, but I didn’t understand what that meant. Truly meant.
Until I had to face my wounds, my truth, the things that I had hidden in the darkest places of my soul, not even wanting to think about them being there, getting angry when reminded, neglecting that this was bothering me. What it was? The missing love for myself. The saying yes to myself. The willingness to “lick” my own wounds and care for what I needed. Not wanting someone to do so, but being willing to do so myself. ✨?
Once I understood what I had to do, that I am the first one to take care of, so I can find love within me and spread it from my inside, my life started to change. For the first time in my life I experienced that love isn’t just the addition of 1 + 1 that equals 2, but – if it is how it should be – 1 + 1 equals infinite. Because 1 is already infinite, as there is no need, it just is. Love is.
So I would like to invite you on a journey. A journey to take care of yourself first. Care about your body, your mind, your soul. Your health. Your beauty, inside and out. An active step towards healing your body, mind, and soul. A biohack-experience for great health and establishing well-being, well-feeling, longevity, and loads of energy. And, losing a kilo or two.
Does that sound at least somewhat good to you? ???
Then join the free detox/biohacking experience we will start on the 8th of April. It’s completely free, and it will do nothing other than make you feel good. I would say that is a deal!
The only thing you have to do is click on the image below and sign yourself up.
I see you on the other side! Lots of love,
PS: How are we doing this? By doing 10 days of a strict detoxing elimination diet (don’t worry, there is food included, this is not a drink only thing) we step by step include food groups back into our lives and find out what is good for us and what isn’t. ✨?
Doing the 10 days before will assure that your body is clean and ready to process the food in a healthy way: meaning: in these 10 days you eliminated what was bad for you and filled your storage of vitamins, minerals, and all nutrients that the body needs to “run smoothly”. By re-adding what we eliminated in the first place, we will just learn what is good for us and what isn’t.
Benefits: ???
*weight control
*healing of everyday illness
*feel good
*look good
*and more
Sounds good? Then listen to that: it is completely free!! The only thing that is on you is the supplements. ?✨
So what are you waiting for? Click the image below and get yourself all the info needed!
Katharina Schönwälder
Hi Tina,
ich freue mich schon sehr auf die 10 Tage und bin gespannt was auf mich zukommt ? Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich noch nie eine Detox Kur gemacht. Habe aber immer mal wieder drüber nachgedacht. Umsomehr freue ich mich das ich diesen Schritt jetzt gemacht habe.
Liebe Grüße,
Tina Englisch
Toll, dass Du dabei bist 🙂
Lydia Chirwa
When I came across this I was like maybe a love too much other person than myself and Yeah it’s TRUE ?. I forget about myself and I get lost in that persons heart and at the end they live wounds in my heart. And now I just decided to be by myself until that Boaz come and look for me .
Tina Englisch
Noone can find you if you are not yourself, so this decision is golden 🙂 Go for it!