The #1 reason, women do not have the life they want and deserve
What is the #1 reason for women to not follow their dreams, step up and free themselves out of unhealthy relationships and get them the love and happiness that the not only desire but that they deserve? The number #…
Where is your focus?
So many times I hear from my clients: I feel lonely, I cannot find the right partner. I am too good, I am not good enough, whatever the reason is, but the fact is the same: the right partner does…
Can you forgive me?
In relationships, there will always be moments when we hurt our partner. This is a part of it, it is inevitable. But what then? Actually, this is very particular: on one side is the partner that hurt the other one,…
Freedom or relationship. Or both?
I hear about this quite a lot, and especially men, but also some women come up with this doubt: when I am in a relationship, I will lose my freedom. Is this true? Well, depends from what point of view…
You are the most important person in your life. Are you?
Once you are ready to love yourself, to take care of yourself, and to make yourself happy, you will find yourself in the position to be needless. That was discussed in an earlier blog post. But what happens next? This…
I love you, I love you not
Ever been in a relationship, where one partner was not quite sure if he wants to be in it or out? This is probably one of the worst things that can happen to you. What does it feel like to…
Are you ready to take care of yourself? And about your partner?
As discussed earlier in the blog, when we are babies, it is obvious that we are taken care of, because we are unable to take care of ourselves. We depend on our parents for survival. When getting older, step by…
It all leads back to one point – and the point is YOU
It is obvious – the moment we were born, everything was about us. It had, to ensure that we will survive. But the funny fact is – whatever we did at that stage of our lives, it was right. Doing…
It’s all about love
Love is what makes the world turn round… but we do tend to misinterpret love to need to get more of it, to get it from the right person in the right moment… and if we don’t get it? We…
Mirror, mirror on the wall…
And what this fairy tale sequence has to do with our relationships. Relationships are like fairy tales, or at least this is what we would like them to be. Prince meets princess, they fall in love, they marry, found a…