
The Coronavirus and the positive side – Part 6

This is probably going to be the last part of the coronavirus series. And it’s focusing on fear. 

We have been sitting in our homes now for quite a bit, some happier, some less happy. And we all know because we have seen it on social media – some of us had been pretty much scared, all focused on the news, on the virus, reading every bit of it and screaming it out in the world. 

Let me ask you a question: have you ever been on a diet? And wasn’t that the case that – even the food that wouldn’t really get your attention regularly, suddenly had that smell you would die for. And there was food everywhere, literally everywhere. And everybody was eating. 

So this is what happens: when we draw our focus to one thing, this is what our mind will help us see. If we focus on food, what we obviously do when on a diet, our mind shows us what we focus on: food. It is just helping us, even though in that situation, we would all agree that it’s not the case. 

But this is basically what happens in our everyday life. What we focus on is what we get. So if we focus on fear, what we get is fear. And in relationships, it equally works the same: when you get to know your (new) partner, the one that you would like to have in your life, you focus on what matches. And this person becomes the one for us. After a while, we switch our view and start to see the real person with all the pros and cons. And eventually, at one point, we start to focus on the bad more then we like to see the good, and therefore, the bad is what we get. 

Btw, this is also what happens if we are about to find a new potential life partner, but are unconsciously afraid to get our heart broken – just in this case, our mind acts trickier. I will have another, longer and especially dedicated post about this, stay tuned to read more…

So maybe in this last corona-lockdown stay at home weeks, we want to focus on the good and see, if the amazing partner we once used to know is still in there, in the person that we once thought we would know. 

You need help? Book a free call:

Speak to you soon. 

Lots of love, 


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