The way to enlightenment
A topic so amazing and so desired: being conscious and aware in this world, being happy, being present. The right choices coming to you, the right people finding you. In essence: a sense and feeling of bliss all the time, being rewarded by greatness and unlimited giving universe. Enable the magic for you or in other words, being enlightened.
The “good people” trap
And we have these living examples on this planet, teachers who do it like Eckhart Tolle, Katie Byron, or just these awesome rich people. Yes, I am talking about money. These people stay humble and giving, which many times is seen as outstanding. Plus, there are a lot of people on the way to enlightenment, who crucify the material wealth these people got granted, mostly because “money is the root of all evil, or rich people are bad people, or money is not the source of real happiness” – whatever they might believe. And here I say it, and it will probably receive opposition: to find a way to be more comfortable with their own financial situation, that is probably not abundant. Remember at this point: what you despise in others is mostly what you are not at peace with yourself.
It’s not always what it looks like
So why is it so difficult to really get to awareness, consciousness or enlightenment? When we look at people like Eckhart Tolle and some other spiritual leaders, their story mostly speaks of the one moment, they just received this huge gift. But if you dig deeper into their lives, this was mostly not the case. They all had a long period of suffering in common, including multiple and different attempts to stop the suffering. It just didn’t work, as for many of us.
And at some point, after all the work already done, they had this enlightening moment: that it does not take more than letting go of the will to suffer to stop the suffering. What you don’t see: and then it comes effortless and easy. And I think at some point, it is just like this. Once you have done the work the inner work, which is necessary to come to this one point where you realize: I just have to not suffer.
The price of not suffering
Typically we think once we decide that we will not suffer any more, we will stop to suffer. But there needs to be mentioned that also not suffering comes with a price tag, and the price is very high, especially once you begin with it: you have to release all situations and people that make you suffer, and you have to release them with love. Which means, that even if that person tricked you, screwed you, lied to you or worse, you cannot keep the anger in your heart to truly move on and towards non-suffering. And that my friend is incredibly difficult. Many times it results in feeling incredibly alone. The reward only comes late, once you realize how calm your life now is.
Why it is so difficult
That being said, that is also the reason why it is so difficult and not too many people will reach this state especially on the first attempt: it is scary to let go. It is challenging to let go in love and it is sad. This is where the sitting with your pain comes in – when you realize you are alone.
And to really, really, really achieve enlightenment, being free of suffering and happy, this is what you have to overcome. There is no shortcut, and even once you are conscious, there will be difficult moments. You just have the awesome tool of consciousness and the peace of mind to overcome it and proceed forward. To where more happiness is waiting.
The way to enlightenment is not always easy and it comes along with a price tag. You need patience, courage and strength. And whatever people tell you, there are no shortcuts. So embrace the way without judgment and embark on a journey to yourself and the most beautiful version you can be.
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