
Where is your focus?

So many times I hear from my clients: I feel lonely, I cannot find the right partner. I am too good, I am not good enough, whatever the reason is, but the fact is the same: the right partner does not seem to be in the space, rather then completely out of reach.

And there is something else that they have in common: they literally tried everything to find the one and only, the right partner. From online dating to blind dates, speed dates… but the result kept being the same: there was none.

So what is wrong with them – both, the one searching, and the one hiding so well? The answer is. Nothing. Or everything. The trouble is, that in nowardays fast world, we tend to get lost so much in achieving and posessing everything within moments, in most cases, we do not even have to leave the house, obtaining the result is just one click away. And it’s being home delivered. Unfortunately, that is not the case with the right partner. And it is not the case with love.

So what can we do in order to find love? First thing: love yourself. Be honest: when was the last time you stood in front of the mirror, looking at yourself telling yourself with abundance as if speaking to your so desired partner: >> I truly love you. << Can you do that at all?

So this were you start. Occupy your time with loving yourself so you can come from a place of abuncance and love, patience and peace when trying to attract love into your life, so once it arrives, you can be grateful instead of always wanting more and more, because what you need, you already have. The love coming to you on the outside is just the cream on the top of the desert, not the straw that you try to reach to survive.

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